A PSSR = R e B B e Yoty all IWen p thege pregents, Tha J 7/3@%«% /%U—Gj‘z % Mo Yk W do, by these presents, for good and valubble co s1de1atlons, fully and absolutely Manumit, make Free, and set at Lzberty,w% slave, named afi M MM hereby willing and declaring that the sai mab/lmz%ufl‘) elobern) OW’“WMMO shall e%red%w% Mlmes f'lg@l eafler, exercmé&?go'fifim enJoy, dd?l/négu]ar the liberties, rights, privileges, and immunities of ... _ free TN A e — fully to all intents and purposes, as if /Acy had been born free.—And f «— do hereby, for »ivywelf e, gxecutors, Administrators, and Assigns, absolutely relinquish and release all 22 right, title, and property whatsoever, in and to the said (Fes gem. y s e slaved IN TESTIMONY WHERFOB, have hereunto set may hand and seal, the@W day th(m,e/ crre—~——- one thousand eight hundred and Jdeverfecr (P/V&fedy@ & ~—— SEALED AND DELIVERED IN Z THE PRESENCE OF }fi’e 5 VUL(/O 1/15074/ City of NewYork, ss. S I day of Jtune/ ce et (P @[@\/4/) &fldtya/baU Odfiflve//wowm»cb %M}um//’;to) e appeared before me, and acknowledged that 70 executed the above instrument, as g voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I allow it to be recorded. (f ool a,dfié({/ B J /&Looéfi?wdx/&//% Mayor, and (Cechard) ko) Recorder, of the city of New-York, ot i8 bzrebp Cextifich, That pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, we have this day examined ¢ certain ‘e e— o ot H e e =T Ve property of - %EOW’SIEWC named % Chldrer GM@/WOUQ W Wfi &WZ /%E/M%M/Wbd/w thch slaved e~ about to be manumitted, and i " ap armg to us to be under »léu v?/year of age, ind of suffic1ent ablhty to provide forflwwfiw this Certificate, t 1844/1/»4,477‘&:'44//&/4,«% day of- JWM a in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and A@umw fsow& f ol