Fort Delaware, Prison times, April 1865

This is the first edition of the "Prison Times." The handwritten newspaper includes original articles, advertisements, announcements, barracks directory, Christian Association directory, notices of clubs, etc., by prisoners at the Fort Delaware Federal prison camp on Pea Patch Island in the Delaware River. The paper's editors and proprietors included William H. Bennett, Aborn Harris, John W. Hibbs, and George S. Thomas.

Item Details Content statement

This is the first edition of the "Prison Times." The handwritten newspaper includes original articles, advertisements, announcements, barracks directory, Christian Association directory, notices of clubs, etc., by prisoners at the Fort Delaware Federal prison camp on Pea Patch Island in the Delaware River. The paper's editors and proprietors included William H. Bennett, Aborn Harris, John W. Hibbs, and George S. Thomas.

William H. Bennett, Aborn Harris, John W. Hibbs, and George S. Thomas fought for the Confederate Army. Bennet had the rank of captain before his inprisonment. Harris was mustered in as a sergeant in company H of the 3rd Florida Infantry Regiment. He eventually rose to the rank of third lieutenant. Hibbs was mustered in as a third lieutenant in company D of the 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment. He eventually rose to the rank of captain. George S. Thomas was mustered in as a captain in company C of the 64th Georgia Infantry Regiment. He never rose ranks.

NYHS Identifier
Mss Collection - AHMC - Prison times
Owning Institution
Date Created
Newspaper : 4 pages
7 3/4 x 12 1/4 inches

In Collections

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