1008 Washington 'Street Columbus, Ind. REAHEHCARIE O Old Forge, N. Y. *0Old Forge, N. Y. BRICE, CLARENCENATIR: 790 Riverside Drive *136 East 49th Street REDNER, FRANK B. 187 Lenox Avenue Tel. Morningside 2712-] *J. L. Burke 62 John Street ROBINSON, THOMAS W. ; 3515 Broadway *Chatham & Phenix National Bank 144th Street and Broadway ROGERS, CLARENCE C. 1076 Teller Avenue *Ward Baking Co. 143rd Street and Boulevard SANDS, SIDNEY A. ‘ 557 4th St., Brooklyn : ‘ *U. S. Army ‘ SCHOEN, BEEIOTT 535 West 155th Street *Schwarzenbach-Huber & Co. 470 4th Avenue | SCHONHARD, FREDERICK W. 2976 Perry Avenue SCHMIDTECORMELTUS AL *Indicates business address 12