SEERVEESN SR RIS RS ER G MEER N 643 PARK AVENUE NIENVERORIKEIN S December 11, 1948 It is my happy privilege to welcome you -- active members, veterans, and trilendseoisthesseventheReciment s = tosouie = el Vi sy s vl SR And on behalf of the Regiment I want to express our great appreciation to the various committee members -- those ladies and gentlemen who devoted imagination, great interest; and untiring efforl Lo make this Balliantomnt- standing success. [ s i mportant - asiiwe Tl astpileasant S fromitiimes totiment ool T a=ide our army work cleothes, the handling of lethal weapoens and consideration of tactical dispositions for thetsparkietand splendorwor formaltdress, idancing, andlighticonversation. w [l beilieveitts flollllows tliall o thotextent we il o v we 1 together ofiff the field off battile we will be a“successiull team on Bt Thus, with V-J day something over three years behind us, with the new Regiment federally recognized and grown to some thousand young men, with our first camp and first review behind us, it seems especially appropriate to renew now the social tradition of the Fall Ball in the manner and magnitude of the prewar days. However, just as our new Regiment stands on an historic base of honored tradition and glory, so also with the recapture of the traditions and customs of the good old days there is inevitably something of a new look. The committees have aimed at providing for you an occasion which will be colorful and gay with the best of music and interesting entertainment. We are glad you are here -- we hope that you have a good time. [ 2iZo Colonel Commanding Page Seven