v Jce Cream Chocolates Preserves & v Makers of 7tu REGIMENT and 7tH REGIMENT VET. INSIGNIA IFPAPEESBUNEEONSE=SRIN GS TROPHIES FOR ALL SPORTS ATHLETIC MEDALS 1009% Duty and Rifle Contest Medals World War II Insignia and Miniature Medals John Frick Jewelry Company 8 MAIDEN LANE New York City New York's Own The 7th Regiment m NEW York City’s Seventh Regiment has a glorious record of patriotic service to the State and the Nation which dates back to May 6, 1806. ® THE leadership quality of the Regiment’s member- ship and its high standard of training have re- sulted in most of the enlisted men in its ranks winning commissions at the outbreak of every war. B DURING its one hundred and forty-two year history, the “Seventh Regiment” has been known offi- cially as the “National Guards,” the “27th,” “107th,” and the “207th” Regiment. However, because of the continuity of the various com- panies within the Regiment, not only has the initial tradition been preserved, but the dis- tinction of having a “7” in its numerical desig- nation has always been retained. Today, it is listed as the “107th Infantry, New York Na- tional Guard,” the basic element of the 107th Infantry Combat Team. But by its members, the people and the press of New York, it is normally referred to as “The Seventh Regi- ment.” ® THE Seventh Regiment helped to prepare and man the harbor defenses in the War of 1812. Sev- eral decades later the press of the nation and numerous competent observers credited the Regiment’s heroic march to Washington as a paramount factor in preserving the Union in those dark days after the fall of Fort Sumter. The Regiment marched to service on the Mex- ican Border, fought in France during World War I and in the recent Global War its bat- talions defended our coast against attacking aircraft, and its members saw service on every front and in every theater. ® EVERY honor, decoration and citation that our Na- tion awards heroes in time of war has been won by members and former members of the Regiment in every war our country has fought. And in World War II, we had the unprece- dented distinction of having a former private of the Seventh—the Honorable Robert P. Pat- terson—serve the country in the capacity of Secretary of War. m LIST of Federal Awards and Decorations won by members of the Seventh Regiment: CoNGRrESSIONAL. MEpaL orF Honor DistincuisHep Service Cross DistiNGuisHED SERVICE MEDAL SiLver StarR MEDAL Lecion or MErIT Distincuisaep FLying Cross BroNzE STAR MEDAL A MEepaL SoLpiEr’S MEepaL PurrLE Heart ® THE patriotic principles and high standard of mem- bership upon which this outstanding volunteer military organization of citizen-soldiers was founded have been maintained and jealously guarded during the one hundred and forty-two years of its existence. Many Seventh Regiment men have achieved high positions in civilian circles, most are sound, normal, young Ameri- cans of good education, endowed with quali- ties of leadership, possessing a deep feeling of (Continued on Page 12) Hex faylor) Athletic Qutfitters to the “‘Seventh’ For 52 Years HEADQUARTERS FOR THE SO RRICIAEES EVIRINERIIEE $3.50 92 EAST 42Np STREET New York City o> KV e IR CONDIRIONEDES = Gino The Ttalian Cuisine EINESIE WINES ano LIQUORS 750 LEXINGTON AVE. (Bet. 60-61st Sts.) REgent 4-9694 Page Five &