A'LETTER FROM THE MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF BUSIGNY TO CAPTAIN. STEPHEN:N. BOBE, AMERICAN RED CROSS ATTACHED TO THE 27th AMERICAN DIVISION “ In the name of the population of the village of Busigny and its neighboring localities, I wish to convey to you our deep feelings of gratitude for all the gifts we have received from the American Red Cross, even under Boche bombardment. Your gifts were inestimable to us who, during four years, have suffered under the heavy heel and brutal yoke of Prussianism. We will never forget that it is thanks to the countrymen of our liberators that we owe the first delicate attentions that have been shown us and of which we were deprived since the first days of the war. I should be very much obliged if you would kindly transmit the expression of our profound gratitude to the splendid organization of which you are the devoted messenger. ~ Your name will live eternally in our memory and the admiration that we feel will never die for he who, in spite of the greatest danger, has come even within our walls, and runs the risk of war to brmo relief to our miseries. Please accept, Sir, the expression of my gratitude and admlra- tlan: " E. MAIRER. 82525. “— Paris, Imprimerie Lanvrg, 9, rue de Fleurus.