. HEADQUARTERS II. CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES Erance; Oct., 4 191-8. : From : Adjudant General. To : Commanding General, 27th Division, American E. F. Subject : Operation against Hindenburg Line of September | 29th 1918. ' J % £ Com 1. Following is letter received from the Commanding General, Australian Corps : AUSTRALIAN CORPS. i Corps Headquarters, 2nd October 1918. 2 My dear General, As the Second American Corps has now been withdrawn from the line, and my official association with you and your troops has been, for the time, being suspended, [ desire to express to you the - great pleasure that it has been to me and to the troops of the Australian Army Corps to have been so closely allied to vou in the recent very important battle operations which have resulted in the breaking through of the main Hindenburg Line on the front of the Fourth British Army. Now that fuller details of the work done by the 27th and 3oth American Divisions have become available, the splendid gallantry and devotion of the troops in these operations have won the admi- ration of their Australian comrades. The tasks set were formi- dable, but the American troops overcame all obstacles and contri- buted in a very high degree to the ultimate capture of the whole tunnel system. : : [ shall be glad if you will convey to your Division Commanders - my appreciation of thanks for the work done and to accept my best wishes for every possible success in the future. Yours very sincerely, (Signed) JouN MONASH. Major-GENERAL G. W. REap, N. A. Commanding II. American Corps. "w 2. In communicating to you this expression of the sentiments of the Commander of the Australian Corps, the Corps Commander desires to make known to you his appreciation of the splendid