— 15 — Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Forces which has ~ been published for the information of the Division. Officers and men have justified estimate made of the Division when after its arrival in France it was selected to hold the Mont Kemmel sector against the expected great effort of the enemy to drive thru to the sea. They have justified the opinions of their fighting qualities formed when this crisis, with the evacuation of Mont Kemmel had passed, and the Division promptly attacked and took Vierstaat Ridge, being, with the 3oth Division on our left, the first American troops to fight on Belgian territory. Joun F. O’RyaN, Major General, Headquarters, 27th Division, American E. F., “ HErance,'6 December, I8, BurLLeETiIN NoO 128. The following letter from the G. O. C. 4th Army, B. E. I, to Hdgrs. . II. Corps, A. E. F., dated 25, Nov. 18, is published for the information of this command : . T wish to express to you my thanks for, and my appreciation of the excellent work done by the 102nd and 105th Regiments of Endmeers whose services you were good enough to place at my d1sposal 2. The work done by these two regiments on the light railways was of the greatest value in gettlng through the system of light railway communication which, owing to the continous destruction of the broad gauge lines by delay action mines, was the means by which it was posible to maintain the troops and continue the fighting which led to such great results. 3. I will be glad if you will be so good as to convey to Colonel A. H. Acker and Colonel J. H. Pratte, Commanding respectively the 102 and 105th Regiments of Engineers, and to the officers, non commissioned officers and men of these regiments this expression of the keen appreciation with which their valuable and cordial co- operation has been regarded by all thanks of the Fourth Army. H. S. RAWLINSON, Comdg Fourth Army. By Command of Major General O’RyAN. W. H. Ravmonp, Colonel, G.-S. Chief of Staff. Official H. B. BATTENBERG, Adjutant general, Division Adjutant. S