PR o e, é their skill and endurance during the long months they have now been in action. . The efficiency with which the staff work of the Corps has been carried out on this their first experience as a fighting Corps in the line of battle has filled me with admiration, and I attribute it lar- gely to the zeal and unity of purpose which has throughout ani- mated the whole Corps. The outstanding feature of their recent victories has been the surprising gallantry and self-sacrifice of the regimental officers and men. I congratulate them on their prowness and offer them one and all my warmest thanks for the leading part they have taken in the recent operations. [t is possible now to give the Corps a period of rest, during which special attention should be paid to the training of the smaller units in minor tactics such as the attack of strong points and machine gun nests. The experience they have had of actual combat will assist them to improve their fighting efficiency in this respect. In thanking the Corps as a whole for the great services they have rendered to the Allied cause, 1 desire to wish all ranks the best of good fortune in the future. H. S. RAWLINSON, General, Commanding Fourth Army. Adv. Hqrs. Fourth Army. - LETTER FROM THE COMMANDING GENERAL, 3rd AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Major GeENERAL J. F. O’Ryan, 27th Div. France, 14 Octobre 1918. General : On behalfof all ranks of the 3rd Australian Division, 1 desire to “express our sincere appreciation of the fighting qualities displave: by the 27th Division U. S. on the 27th and 29gth September last. The gallant manner in which your troops faced an extremely diffi- cult task, the determination of their attacks on a strongly entren- ched position, and the undaunted spirit with which they met their ‘losses make us hope that we. shall again have the honour of fight- ing alongside the Division under your command. The confidence of the men in their officers appealed to us as particularly happy omen for the future successes of the 27th. : Very respectfully, I. GELLIBRAND, Major‘Genéral, Comg. 3rd Australian Division.