Iy | (i ? INTEREST. Effective July 1, 1951 interest will be allowed from day of deposit on sums deposited in regular accounts and remaining on deposit to the end of the interest period. Interest will be computed on regular accounts having balances of $25 or more. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. For securities, jewels, valuable papers, you may have a box at any of these three offices—26 Cortlandt Street— 60 Spring Street—743 Amsterdam Avenue. \ SAVE BY MAIL PLAN. At the bank a mailed deposit receives immedi- ate attention, the same as if brought in person. Banking by mail will help you save more money and your time. \ U. S. DEFENSE BONDS. You may continue buying U. S. Savings Stamps and Bonds at any one of the bank’s five offices and also use the free Safe-Keeping Service for Bonds until they mature. x,"q,?n [v"’ uy’)';g’ E. R. MORTGAGE SERVICE. If you plan to own a home or other residential or commercial property, you may take advantage of the E. R. Mortgage Loan Service. SALARY SAVINGS PLAN. An employer can arrange with the bank to have this service for a group of workers. Each one may deposit part of his or her salary automatically without visiting the bank. Other deposits or withdrawals may be made in the same account. BILL ME MONTHLY CLUB. If you want to save $10 a month or more ask the bank to send a friendly reminder to “pay yourself first” when paying bills. Make the first check each month to your own savings account. Simple—but it works wonders in making the savings grow. o CHRISTMAS CLUB. You may be sure there will be a check in the mail in time for Christmas. Estimate the amount needed and choose a small convenient sum to save each week. By Christmas you will have a fund for all the cash needs of the Holiday Season. SPECIAL PURPOSE CLUB. You have a goal in view—a new home, a better vacation, a child’s education, a career. You know what you must save and how much your weekly deposits will be. Setting a date to reach the goal is half the journey.