The Washington Arch was designed by the celebrated architect, Stanford W hite, in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of George Washington’s inauguration as President of the U. S. “Let Us Raise a Standard” THE WASHINGTON ARCH stands serenely undisturbed by the modern changes and transformations occurring in and around Washington Square. Perhaps this is due to the calm words engraved on the tablet on the southern face of Elireatialat “Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God.” The passage is from George Washington’s address to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The standard was the young nation’s ideal of democracy, which was still a new and unproven thing in the world. Today, as in every time of change and challenge, the words are timely. They sound a call to renewed appreciation of our most familiar institutions and the standards around which they have grown. Typical of these institutions in their origin and mag- nificent development are our savings banks, serving from generation to generation under the standard of the democratic practice of Thrift.