Colonel Kipp (now Brevet Brigadier General, and retired after fifty years continuous service.) Admission is by ticket, and the Company has voted that a number of "K.s" tickets shall be reserved for such Veterans as may wish to be present with members of their families, or friends. Please notify the Secretary at once if you desire any tickets, and they will be mailed, as long as they last, in the order of applications received. Do not forget the forty-first annual meeting and dinner of the "Assoc- ciates of the Engineer Corps and Company "K' " which takes place at Delmonico’s, on Thursday, the second of April, at seven o'clock. A membership in the Engineer Corps is the best possible way for a Veteran to keep in touch with the affairs of the Company and the Regiment. The Committee on Veterans is making a special effort to enlist in it each member of the Company as he takes his discharge. The base-ball game between the 7th Regiment and the West Point Cadets will take place as usual on Memorial Day, Saturday, May 30th. A special train usually is chartered for the actives and veterans wishing to attend, returning immediately after the evening parade of the Cadets, and arriving in New York in time for dinner. Detaled information will be furnished later on application to the Secretary. Notice of the annual Coney Island Dutch this summer will be mailed by the Commi;tee on Veterans to every member on our st This Dutch has become a most entertaining feature of Company life, and is especially valuable as a means of getting together for a good time in the summer, especially in off years when we have no Camp. In the Roster of the Active Company recently mailed to you, a sk indicating a holder of the Cross of Honor for ten years service or