HEADQUARTERS 27TH DIVISION, U. S. A. AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, FRANCE October 22, 1918. From—Commanding General. To—Commanding Officer, 107th Infantry U. S. A. Subject—Commendation. 1.—I write to express my admiration and respect for the valor and endurance of the officers and men of the 107th Infantry, so continuously demonstrated during the past 30 days. 2.—Since the great battle for the breaking of the Hindenburg Line, our advance has given opportunity to inspect the defenses of that system. Our attack of September 29th was directed against what was probably the most highly organized system of field de- fenses ever constructed. In that battle the 107th Infantry attacked on the left half of the divisional sector of 4000 yards, and during its advance had to defend its flank against heavy forces of the enemy operating from VANDHUILLE and holding back the division on our left. In the face of veritable hurricane of fire from weapons of every calibre and class, the Regiment by the leadership of its officers and the gallantry and determination of its men broke the back of the main defense line resistance and at the same time shattered all counter-attacks directed upon its flank. 3.—Almost continuously since that time, the Division has been fighting and marching, and the 107th Infantry has continued its inspiring record for discipline and cheerful endurance in battle. Lying in shell holes at night, attacking at dawn, fighting all day against the most determined and cunning machine-gun resistance supported by artillery—repeating this the following day until the relief which meant lying in other shell holes and pits in a position of close support—to experience these privations with confidence and cheerfulness unimpaired, requires physical fitness and spirit in super- lative degree, and well indeed have you demonstrated their possession. 4.—In the ten days of operations in which you played so prominent a part the Division forced the crossing of the La Salle River, captured BANDIVAL FARM, the town of ARBRE- GUERNON and in cooperation with flanking division compelled the enemy to retire to the CANAL DE LA SAMBRE. It also captured many hundreds of prisoners, and a great amount of war material. In the operations of the past month the Regiment has written some brilliant pages of regimental history. All honor to the memory of those gallant comrades who died in the accomplish- ment of what was achieved. (Signed) JOHN F. O’RYAN, Major General, e e e e S s S