CASUALTIES Oflicerskillediim Action 7 2o Shn s maa 19 Ealisted Men killedSintactions. b il i h 2 s 409 Oicers’ swouided “insaction. o e Sl Enleted Men Swounded nvection o ool oo a 1267 Dicd of8Weormnds s b0 0 Te s el e e 105 Dredict diseasetr i s ens n e e s b ol B R 46 Gossedp R Wi Tl e L e 189 Diepaied s e e 1 Felal Deathsy gy aidaiat. 0w e e G i 580 FonlaGaamltiess or Pt o it oo e Y e e 1962 =] DECORATIONS AWARDED TO MEMBERS OF THE 107te INFANTRY American Wononessipnal iVledal of Honor . e e 3 Distinehished ServiceiVEedal 00 0 00 | G iaiai a0 1 Bistins tishediSeryice WGrossy o ot ot Bl e e 67 British Wil y@rosiei s wn. sens iy e e i o il st 1 Disoinonished (Conducte Bledal o bl Sl 6 Dlilicany SV edale oo 00 e iicimn 0 e 35 French Medatlle Mulifqire s i D ey e b nar 8 3 Croixide Guerre o sl i SR 48 Belgian Croicide (Gubrrelv T I i LR el Dt e 1 Montenegran Conduct Medal d’Argent......oooovevrenernnns R e it 5