~ 2‘ l! n‘. E-. ("Ed I if?» g >- K l . , \ %, at} 3. if! '3'. '1 i I t .. 0 - far? a if“. ' . u l ‘ ’ . ‘ o I ,7! t i i ' , “if .‘ ;_-’I - . -‘.- - P" /./~ ‘v ". i. 3' s 1 - WW - W. . . . ‘ . | y . 5‘ . I We; u ' j~ , . ' ' E, the Pe0ple of the United States, in order to form a more perfeét unionfivefiabliih juliice, infure domeliic tranquility, provide, , for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and fecure the bleflings ‘ at liberty to ourfelv es and our pofierity, do ordain art-g; e'flablilh this Confiitution for the United States of America. fire for ’ 6t Legiflature. No perfon {hall be a fenator who {hall not have attained to the age ofthirty years, and been nine years acitiz‘enof the United States, and who {hall not, when eleéted, be an inhabitant of that {tare fof which he {hall be chofen. ‘ . The Vice-Prefident of the United States. {hall be, eat-0559b, Prefident of the fenate, but {hall have no vote, unlefs they be equally divided. The Senate {hallchoofe their other officers, and alfo a Prefident pro tempore, in the abfence .of ‘ the Vice-Prefident, or when he {hall exercife the office of Prefident of the United States. fole pow/er to try all impeachments. n the Prefident of the United States is tried, the Chief Jullice {hall prefide: And no perfon lhall be convicted without the concurrence of two~thirds of the members ' _ The Senate lhal they (hall be on'6 "prefent. Judgment in cafes ofimpeaehment {hall not extend further than to removal from office, and dif. qualification to hold and enjoy any office ofhonor, trull: or profit under the United States: but the party conviéted Ihallneverthelefs be liable and fuhfi to indictment, trial, judgment and punilh- ment, according to law. ' 866?. 4. Thetimes, p be prefcribed in each Rate b or alter fuch regulationshufll' viour, and, journal. Neither houfe, during the feffion of Congrefs, fliall, without the confent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in whi 866?. 6. The fenators and reprefentatives {hall receive a compe afcertained' by law, and paid out of the treafury of‘ the United States. They {hall in all cafes, ' exp, ' . cept treafon, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arreit during their attendance at the felfion of their rcfpeétive houfes, and in going to and returning from the fame; andfor any fpeech or debate in either houfe, they {hall not be quellioned in any other place. No fenator or reprefcntative (ball, during the time for which he was elec'ted, be appointedto . any civil oflice under the authority of the United States, which lhall have been created, ' ' ‘ .ARTIC_L,EI. f, , Sail. 'r. A L L legillative powers herein granted {hall be veiled in a Congrefs of the United States, which fhall confift of a Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives. _ .Seéi‘. '2. The Houfe of Reprefentatives {hall be compofed of members chol'en every fecond year by the pfgople ofi the feveral flares, and the electors in ‘ach Rate 'lhall‘vhave the "qualifications requi- e e are 5f the molt numerousbranch of the {ta No perfon ihall be areprefentative who {hall not have attained tothe ageof twenty—fi've‘years,and been feven years a citizen of the United States, and Who (hall not, when clctted, be an inhabitant of that. {late in which he {hall be chofen. . Reprefcntatives and direét taxes {hall be apportioned among the feveral {lates which maybe in- “cluded within this Union,according to their refpeé‘tive numbers; which {hallbe determined byadd- ing to thewhole number of free perfbns, including thofe bound to fer“ for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other perfons. The actual enumeration {hall be made within three years after the firfi meeting of the Congrefs of the United States, and within every fubfetluent term of ten years, in fuch s they (ball by law direct. The number of ireprefcntat‘ives {hall not exceed one for every oufand, but each {fate {hall have at leali one 'reprefentative: and until fuch enumeration {hall be made,the {late of Neleampflrire {hall be en- titled to chufe three, Mail'aclrufetts eight, Rhode-Ifland and Providence Plantations one, C onnec'ticut five, New-York fix, New-Jerfey four, Pennfylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland fix, Virginia 'ten, North-Carolina five, South-Carolina five, and Georgia three. . When vacancies happen in‘ the reprefentation from an ihall ilTue writs of eleflion to fill fuch vacancies. The Houfe of Reprefentatives {hall choofe their Speaker" and other officers; and w have ., ’the fole power of impeachment. ' See}. 3. TheSenate o y Rate, the Executive authority thereof f the United States {hall be co’mpoied of two fenato‘rs from each (late, cho- Ten by the legiflature thereof, for fix years: and each fenator {hall have one vote. Immediately after they {hall be afl'embled in confequence of the firft eleé‘tion,_they {hall be divi- ded as equally as may be into three clalies. The feats of the fenators of the firft clafsfliall be vaca- ted at the expiration Of the fecond year, of the fecond.clafs at the expiration of the fourth year, and ’ of the third clafs at the expiration of the fixth year, fo that one-third may be chofen every fecond year: and if vacancies happen by refignation, or otherwile, during the recefs oi the chi-flaiure of" any hate, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the When fitting for that purpofe, laces and manner of holding eleétions for fenators and reprefentatives, lhall ggfihjrymutahWErefmyj’asy‘time by law make The Congrefs {hall aliemble at leafi once in every year, and fuc meeting {hall be on the firlt Mon-‘5 day in December, unlefs they (ball by law appoint a dilferent day. 865?. 5. Each houfevflrall be the judge of the eleflions, returns and qualifications of its own mem- bers, and a majority of each {hall conltitute a quorum to do bufinefs: but a {mailer number may adjourn from day to day, and rriay be authorifed to compel the attendance of abfent members, in . :fu'ch manner, and under fuch penalties as each houfe may Each houfe may determine the rules of it ' h theleoncurrence of m ' Each houf - "all keep a journal of its cepting fuch‘ . of either bong: sf‘puroceedings; . {it its memfiers for diforderly beha- ; edings, and from' time to time publilh the fame, ex. s as may in their judgmentirequire fecrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members It any queliion than, at the defire of one-fifth of thofe prefenl, be entered an the e two houfes {hall be fitting; tion for their fervices, to be r» f I _ _ j r . x 5" NJ ,3»me ‘ “- ’ ‘. v-4. . ‘. t e‘ . L’ "N“ . ‘- , " ,a. “,-. 1'". .. ' r r v . s A . ~ ‘ l} _ . ‘ r . kfliéuiifl. '"~ ‘1 “- 3/ {(5 fit-ii?“ 3:. , , s A... , '3; . iii-git, t i-a‘j',‘ 44'}; a, ‘81.. 54‘ -